Want to be on our featured talent page?

We’re constantly looking for fresh talent to feature on our website and instagram! Could that be you?

Are you at the beginning of your career? 

Our Featured Talent section aims to highlight the emerging creatives entering into Industry. We don’t care if you’ve got a degree or not, so long as you’re creative (and you don’t have a full-time creative role yet) then we’d love to meet you! Just send us a DM on instagram. 

Are you in the midsts of your career? 

Hello fellow creative! Got a point to say? A bone to pick? Or a conversation to spark? Then maybe you would be a good fit for our Industry Interviews section. We’d love to give you a platform to share your opinion, story or ambition. Just fire over your idea in an email! 

Are you a brand or individual working in tandem to the creative industries and want to use our platform of engaged young talent to spread a message?

Let’s here your idea, email below! 👇

We know how shit it is when you apply for things and don’t hear back so we’ll endeavour to get back to everyone who gets in contact with us, even if it doesn’t seem like our projects align.

Unless you’re that Nigerian Prince who wants their money back, in which case we might never reply… 👀